I wish Kim Davies was not jailed for refusing same sex marriage "said Donald Trump

                                                                        Donald Trump      
Republican front-runner Donald Trump said Friday that he wished a Kentucky county clerk, Kim Davis, was not jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but he added that the Supreme Court
has ruled and it is "the law of the land."
"You have to go with it. The decision's been made, and that is the law of the land," the real estate mogul said Friday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
Trump declined to weigh in on the issue Thursday -- stating during a press conference he wasn't very familiar with the issue -- but said Friday that Davis should have let her deputies in the office certify the marriages. Davis's attorney said Friday that she has no intention to resign.
"I would say the simple answer is let her clerks do it," he said. "Now from what I understand she's not letting the clerks do it either. The other simple answer is rather than going through this -- because it's really a very, very sticky situation and terrible situation -- 30 miles away they have other places, they have many other places where you get licensed. And you have them actually quite nearby, that's another alternative."
Trump's position puts him at odds with many of his primary opponents who have trumpeted Davis' fight as one for religious liberty.
Davis, the clerk of Rowan County, was jailed Thursday after refusing to allow her five deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
