Cassandra season 1(Episode 3 to 5)

Episode 3

Episode 3

‘’so what actually do you want from me?’’ Cassandra suddenly asked, leaving her beautiful eyes on me. I tried to relax as I met her gaze, breathing heavily as I quickly formed an answer in my mind.

‘’I know you probably must be hearing what I’m about telling you everyday but I beg of you to believe me. I’m not a kid and I’m equally not getting younger. I’m at the ripe age to settle down and I’m here with you today because you have all the qualities I need in a wife. I really would so much appreciate if you will consider me much more than a friend. Let’s make things happen together. Let’s fix our future together’’ I answered solemnly, my heart pounding furiously as I watched her reaction. She simply smiled and shrugged.

‘’invariably, you want me as a wife and not as a girlfriend?’’ she asked slowly. I nodded quickly.

‘’well just like you said, this isn’t the first, second nor third time I’m hearing such words. I’m equally not a kid nor a naive young girl who would shiver on hearing the word marriage. To win someone like me, you will have to work hard for it. You will first work your way into my heart . first as a friend, then as a lover before I can even consider you. ‘’ she simply replied, leaving me a bit excited and confused at the same time.

‘’but we are already friends right?’’ I asked with a smile. She rolled her eyes.

‘’well for now, we are mere acquaintances. You haven’t proved yourself as a friend yet’’ she answered, leaving me extremely surprised. My face fell.

‘’come on, don’t be like that. You should know I’m not an easy person. I don’t mess around. So you have all the time to prove yourself to me. You are aiming towards marriage and it requires dedication and commitment’’ she preached while I shrugged with resignation.

‘’so when are we seeing again?’’ I asked.

‘’I really don’t know. I’m going back to school on the third of January’’ she answered.

‘’alright. I believe we will be seeing often’’ I murmured.

‘’ I hope so’ she breathed.


I drove her home afterwards, before rushing home to meet my dad anxiously waiting for me.

‘’where went you?’’ dad asked,

‘’I went to see a friend’’ I answered with a smile.

‘’I hope you didn’t go drinking with friends?’’ he asked suspiciously. I laughed.

‘’come on dad, will I be back this early supposing I went out drinking with friends. Actually I was with a woman. A lady I plan to marry’’ I answered innocently, leaving a great smile on the old man’s face.

‘’now you are talking son. You know I have been worried that at your age you are yet to bring a woman home. But why hang out with her outside?. Why didn’t you bring her home?’’ he queried with a frown.

‘’don’t worry dad. I will soon bring her home. I promise”. I assured the old man .


New year (2013) arrived with me getting more fond of Cassandra. We spoke on phone almost four times every day . I couldn’t stay an hour without thinking about her. She equally responded and behaved very well to me. Her responses and everything she did was kind of a green light to me. I fell madly in love with her. I never hesitated in telling my friends and neighbors about my Cassandra even though the pretty girl was yet to officially say yes to me but I believed her positive/ encouraging actions towards me were more than the yes I needed.
I was so ready to do anything for her. I was so madly in love. Everything was green in my eyes.

On the second Thursday of January 2013, she surprised me with a phone call.

‘’hi Dave , what’s up?’’ she greeted.

‘’I’m fine very dear’’ I answered with happiness.

‘’I will be very free this weekend and I want to spend it with you. Hope you will be free to pick me up on Friday evening ?’’ she asked, surprising me with the unexpected offer. I couldn’t find my voice for some seconds. I could believe my ears. I couldn’t believe it was all real.

‘’gosh a hot girl like Cassandra offering to spend a full weekend with me, without me even asking?’’ I reasoned with great joy.

‘’there isn’t any doubt she’s mine. Of course what is yours is yours’’ I summarized as I licked my lips in anticipation of the great weekend that awaited me.

Just like she promised, by 7pm that fateful Friday, the pretty girl was well settled in my apartment, making me the most happiest bachelor on earth. My mind was so full of expectations.
OH CASSANDRA…. So beautiful, so charming, well mannered but full of pretense..

Episode 4

I took Cassandra out for a wonderful dinner in one of the new expensive restaurants in town before we returned to my apartment for a good night rest.

My hormones raged on fire as we settled on my bed that fateful evening. My heart throbbed loudly as a thousand and one thoughts raced through my head. In fact the way I felt was simply indescribable. Cassandra’s actions were just totally encouraging.
‘’perhaps I might even get the chance to blow her tonight’’ I reasoned as I laid beside her, staring into her beautiful eyes.

Even though I had three extra rooms in my apartment, I made Cassandra to sleep in my room, though with the expectation that she might decline but surprisingly she made no argument nor refused sleeping in my room. She accepted with good faith which made me love her the more because her behavior made me to see her as a very matured and respectful lady.

‘’why are you staring at me like that?’’ she softly asked as we exchanged glances. I breathed deeply and closed my eyes for some seconds.

‘’I’m so happy. I really cant believe you are here with me’’ I confessed. She blushed and shifted uneasily.

‘’come on stop it. Moreover I know you have lots of girlfriends’’ she breathed.

‘’well since I got to this town I haven’t even seen a lady of my choice, talk more of having her as a girlfriend. Though my line of business hardly gives me the opportunity to mingle with ladies. So you are the only lady in my life right now and I want you to occupy that position for eternity’’ I answered. She kept quiet, saying nothing.

‘’don’t you like me?’’ I suddenly asked for no reason, drawing close to caress her face. My hand trembled as I touched her affectionately.

‘’’of course I like you. If not, I wouldn’t be here’’ she answered, melting my heart with her words. I drew closer, finding her lips and kissing her. She instantly drew back and sat up.

‘’please that should stop. It’s too early for you to be kissing me. You have to respect me’’ she said seriously, coloring up and leaving me drawn back with surprise and regret.

‘’I’m sorry dear’’ I stammered, swallowing my emotions and feelings. Of course the way she reacted when I kissed her suspended the sexual plans I had for the night but nevertheless I knew she had every right to behave the way she did and my respect for her still remained the same.

We slept without making love.


Cassandra wasn’t only good looking and sophisticated, she equally was very good with house chores. The pretty damsel used the later part of the next day which was Saturday to prepare a delicious pot of stew and soup for me. A very tasty meal it was and the aroma was just enough to attract even enemies to my home.
In my mind, every thing about her was perfect. I resolved to make her my wife as soon as possible. I was ready to go through any hurdle just to wed her.

As we settled in my room, that Saturday night. I stared at her with the urge to make love to her but I was very scared of upsetting her. I just didn’t know what to do.

‘’there is something that has been bothering me and I feel like sharing it with you but my fear is that it isn’t the right time to disturb you with my problems’’ I heard her say with a soft whisper. I instantly drew closer to her.

‘’what’s the problem my dear?’’ I asked with great concern.

‘’no don’t worry, let’s forget it’’ she breathed. I held her hands, staring into her eyes.

‘’you can trust me with your problems. I can help in any way possible’’ I urged. She breathed deeply, hesitating slightly.

‘’it’s about my hostel rent’’ she stammered.

‘’so what happened ?’’ I asked.

things are very hard for my family right now. Mum hasn’t been paid her salary since last year October and my dad is really struggling with the bills and every other thing. My two brothers are in a private university and their school fees just drained the little money my dad had left. I’m now left with no choice than to pack out of my current lodge and squat with a friend which I’m not used to. I have been staying in a self contained room right from my first year in the university.’’’ She explained, tears dropping from her eyes as she opened her mind to me. I was touched.
She sounded so real, so genuine , so emotional. Plus the tears. No I couldn’t bear watching her cry.

‘’so how much is the rent?’’ I asked softly.

‘’ ninety thousand naira N90,000 (aprox $450)’’ she answered.

‘’hmmm it’s a lot of money but don’t worry. I will give you the money as you leave for your school on Sunday’’ I promised, drawing out a great smile from her. She quickly wiped her tears.

‘’oh my God.. thank you dearest”” she beamed with great joy, throwing herself on my body and hugging me strongly.

However that was all I got from her that fateful night. I never dared going for s-x, out of fear that she might interpret it wrongly and very early on Sunday morning , I made a quick withdrawal at an ATM machine nearby …..

Cassandra left with N95,000 on her first visit to my house. N90,000 for the hostel rent and additional N5000 for her upkeep. A huge amount enough to take my building project in the village to the next level. But I did it all for love.. I felt investing in her was much profitable than my building project at home…

Episode 5

After Cassandra left my house that fateful Sunday, I began having double mindset over the huge amount of money I gave her. A small part of me felt that I had been conned while a greater part of me felt that I did the right thing.
I kind of became uneasy and had no choice than to open up to my friend Chinedu who was the only closest friend I had in the city..

Chinedu popularly known as ‘’EDU ELECTRONICS” was a big electronics dealer. He had three big shops in the city and equally sourced his merchandize directly from his contacts in china. Unlike me, he was a university graduate but due to the high level of unemployment in the country had no choice than to start up a business with the help of his brothers.
He was the only person that welcomed me with open arms when I newly got a shop in his area and soon we became close friends, behaving as if we were even from the same community. Just like most guys, we hid nothing pertaining romance and relationships from each other. He always shared stories of his affairs with ladies to me and he equally was the first person I told about Cassandra when I returned to the city after Christmas.

‘’so my guy, that was how I parted with N95,000 yesterday’’ I explained as we settled in his shop the next day. He breathed deeply and shook his head.

‘’it isn’t bad to help out a girl , especially someone you value so much, but I kind of feel that it is too early for her to demand such amount of money from you’’ he said seriously.

‘’so supposing you had no such money with you. I bet the relationship would have ended as she left your house’’ he added, drawing out a little fear from me.

‘’seriously?, but she never forced me though’’ I defended.

‘’yes I know she needs the money quite alright but assuming you couldn’t afford it, she would have moved over to another one of her contacts. She’s definitely ready to do anything to get that money. That’s how most campus girls behave bro. They do anything for money, especially when in need of large sum’’ he summarized.

‘’well no body is a saint frankly. But I believe if I can show her enough love, she wont have any need to notice other guys. I so much love the girl’’ I confessed.

‘’hmmm love is a beautiful thing bro, but In Nigeria a girl has to prove that she loves you beyond reasonable doubt or have gone far with you before you invest more than N20,000 on her head. She has to prove her love man. If not you are on your own’’ he advised.

‘’I guess you mean, I should try and have s-x with her?’’’ I asked like a school boy. He burst out in laughter.

‘’s-x?, come on s-x is nothing. Girls give it out for as low as N400 ($2) or even for free. Since you are very serious about marrying her, you can simply tell her that you are ready to introduce her to your family to see her reaction. The money you even gave her is enough to pay her bride-price. It’s not as if I’m against you helping out a girl but in this case you are helping because you want her as a wife, so it should be 50/50. Moreover the bad girls are way more than the good girls nowadays, making it difficult to know the right girl. So get her to know your family, let her introduce you to her family as well, create a strong relationship, after then you can be sure of what you are paying for.’’ He advised strongly, leaving me shaking my head in agreement.

‘’so how about Nora?’’ he suddenly asked, changing the topic and leaving me a bit thrown back with the question.

nora was my neighbor. A hair stylist who lived next door with her younger sister. She was  beautiful, well mannered and fond of me. I saw her as a friendly neighbor and nothing more. I never was attracted to her though sometimes as a guy the urge to make sexually advances to her did come in the past but I suppressed them. She always helped me whenever i needed help, especially in cooking.
However she was yet to return to her apartment since last December she traveled home for Christmas and as a friend it was my duty to call andask what was keeping her in the village but I was yet to do so. Which made Chinedu’s question to leave me a bit uncomfortable.

‘’I haven’t heard from her since this year. She’s yet to return from Christmas holiday.’’ I answered.

‘’hmmmm that girl loves you but it’s unfortunate you are yet to realize it’’ my friend chipped in.

‘’well you know what I want now is marriage. I cant go on to deceive a good girl like her, waste her time and end up marrying another person’’ I explained.

‘’you know your problem?. You have such a high taste and it isn’t good. Supposing Nora is a graduate you wont be saying this’’ he said as if he was in my mind while I shrugged, saying nothing.

8pm, David’ house

I barely had settled down to enjoy my night meal. A plate of garri with the wonderful soup Cassandra cooked for me when I heard a gentle knock on my door. I lazily left my food and opened the door to see Nora smiling at me.
I swallowed hard with shock and guilt, not knowing what to say because I still failed to call her like I had wanted after chatting with Chinedu earlier in the day.

‘’hmmm I see you are eating. The aroma is quite tempting. Don’t tell me a lady is in there?’’ she asked with a quick smile, which covered the pain in her eyes but I still noticed.. i tried saying something but lost my voice.

”i guess i’m no longer welcomed. no wonder you never even bothered to call and ask what was keeping me at home. it’s okay. Thanks for being a friend” she said with a voice that touched me, tears quickly forming in her eyes.
She quickly turned and backed me as soon as she realized that i noticed the tears.

”Nora” i breathed, clueless on what exactly to say to her. But i had no chance to say nothing more because she quickly headed to her apartment without another word.

”Nora wait please” i called again and again. She never stopped nor looked back.

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-Episode 1 $2
