Cassandra season 1 (continuity)

Episode 21
The next day my little sister paid me an unexpected visit. It really was the first time she was paying me a visit as a married woman. Of course I was very happy she made out time for me even though it wasn’t a planned visit..
‘’you are really doing fine bro’’ she said happily as she looked round the shop. I nodded in agreement, breathing deeply.
‘’anyway I don’t have much time to spend with you but I’m very curious to know how much you have gone with Cassandra and equally know how much you have been able to check out the girl, concerning things I told you at home about her’’ she queried seriously while I shrugged.
‘’my dear sister I have been seriously occupied with business lately. I haven’t yet made any new progress with Cassandra. I’m just in the middle of a big crises right now’’ I confessed, drawing out a sharp look from her.
‘’what do you mean by being in the middle of a crises?’’ she asked with great worry. I forced out a smile and stood up.
‘’never mind dear. The words just escaped my lips. So what do I offer you?’’’ I asked, expertly changing the topic but my sister wasn’t a little kid. She quietly stood up, drew closer and touched my shoulder.
‘’I know you still see me as a little child even though I’m married. You have to wipe out that mentality from you. I’m an adult for Christ sake. Please tell me what the problem is all about. Is it about Cassandra?. Did she do anything?’’ she demanded. I shook my head and breathed deeply.
‘’no it isn’t about Cassandra but about another lady I mistakenly got pregnant’’ I confessed, drawing out the wildest gasp from her.
‘’my gawd what did you do!!!’’ she exclaimed.
‘’it was just a big mistake’’ I muttered, taking my time to tell her my story with Nora. I told her everything, hiding nothing. When I was done , she breathed deeply and shook her head.
‘’no matter what, you cant just let the girl bear the burden of childbirth alone. We all have conscience. No you cant leave her on her own. You got to support her, no matter how little’’ she said seriously.
‘’but you heard when I said she now wants nothing to do with me. How do I support her when she wants nothing to do with me anymore’’ I fired back.
‘’I understand but I have to talk to her. How do I locate her?’’ she demanded as if she was my mother. I hesitantly obliged, giving her the direction to Nora’s shop. But as soon as she left, i regretted ever telling her about Nora.
Two hours later, Chinedu rushed into my shop to have a word with me. He was breathing heavily like someone being chased by an evil spirit. I couldn’t help but wonder what was making him so agitated.
‘’I had a very terrible dream last night. I saw Cassandra push into a pool of blood and as you were drowning you begged me to save you. I jumped into the pool to help but ended up drowning with you” he poured out breathlessly while i stared at him silently. I never believed in dreams. I never paid any serious attention to it but with the way my friend was sweating there wasn’t any doubt the dream he just narrated to me was affecting him greatly.
”you know brother. I have been thinking and I just came to the conclusion that you shouldn’t abandon Nora to have your child on her own. You guys should find a way to come to a settlement’’ he said seriously.
‘’my sister said the same thing. She just left minutes ago to see Nora’’ I answered, surprising him with the revelation.
‘’that’s good but another problem is Cassandra. Will you tell her about it or do you plan hidding everything from her?’’ he asked, bringing up the question I had desperately tried to hide from my head. I stared at him speechlessly, unable to say a word.
‘’thirdly, do you think someone like Cassandra will stay with you if she learns about it?’’ he pushed on, totally destroying me with his questions.
‘I cant tell Cassandra about it and that’s why I desperately want Nora to disappear from my life’’ I opened up, shocking my friend who gasped with disbelieve but before he could say another word, my sister walked in looking very troubled and dejected. We all faced her curiously.
‘’life cant be so unfair’’ she muttered as she stared at me with eyes laden with tears.
Episode 22
‘’come on what’s up with you?. What’s up with the face?’’ I asked curiously while Chinedu sat up and offered her his chair. My sister stared at me for some seconds before shaking her head softly.
‘’it’s really a pity that you are about losing a noble woman for a worthless girl. I can’t help but weep for you. You are about losing a lady with a good heart. Nora talked me and yes she won me over to her side. I really don’t know if Cassandra is worth the sacrifice you are making. Don’t tell me you feel nothing for Nora. Don’t tell me the thing you had with her was just s-x and nothing else?. Don’t tell me you are putting class and power over your happiness?’’ she poured out emotionally, making me very uncomfortable with her question. I scratched my head, saying nothing.
‘’Nora is very serious about moving on with her life. And She’s moving on with the greatest gift of it all. Your baby. Your first blood.” she added, stopping for a few seconds to study my reaction.
” I tried convincing her to be on my side. To be patient and stick with me but no she isn’t ready to bring herself too low fighting for a man who doesn’t love her. Take a deep breathe big brother and think about your future and happiness. A bird in hand is worth more than a thousand flying within your reach. I’m leaving but you should know that Nora is a good lady. She is the woman you are supposed to fight for and not Cassandra. Im leaving bro’’ she poured out, grabbed her bag and walked away.
‘’I hope you knew what you did when you told your sister the truth about Nora?. This isn’t an open secret anymore. Your family may soon get involved in the whole drama’’ Chinedu said immediately after my sister left.
The rest of the day really was awfully bad for me. I couldn’t concentrate on anything nor think properly. Chinedu equally wasn’t helpful, instead added to the tension I was already feeling by coming up with a hundred and one theories of what could happen if I abandon Nora and stick with Cassandra, without even knowing how his words were hurting me.
Later in the night I called Cassandra, to hear her voice and ease out the tension in me. Her voice was one of the things that always had a way of calming my nerves.
‘’hi dear what’s up?’ she greeted happily.
‘’fine my love . i’m so stressed up’’ I confessed.
‘’hmmm , oh no. hope you have eaten for the night?’’ she asked.
‘’yes but what I want is to be with you right now. I’m so lonely. Maybe I should come over to your hostel tomorrow’’ I breathed, expecting her to give a positive answer but she killed my spirit by declining.
‘’no dear, there isn’t any need coming. I can come over on Friday to be with you. Isn’t it better?’’ she asked quickly.
‘’it’s cool but I equally want to know where you live . I just want to know every little detail about you’’ I pushed on expecting her to understand. She instead kept quiet for some seconds before answering.
‘’there isn’t any need for you visiting my school. I don’t understand what you meant by knowing every little detail about me. Anyway I will show up on Friday. So do prepare for me’’ she replied slowly , leaving me with no choice than to swallow my words and accept her choice.
‘’fine, I will wait for you on Friday’’ I breathed and hung up..
Friday soon arrived with a very calm weather. The atmosphere was just cool all through the day with little sunshine and no rain. A very good business day.
I headed home by 4pm in order to be at home when my Cassandra shows up. I whistled happily as I drove through the light traffic to my home. Of course i was happy and excited.
On reaching the gate to my compound , I was surprised to see a big truck loaded with furniture and household appliances. I couldn’t help but wonder who was parking out of the compound as alighted from my car curiously.
On getting close to my flat, I saw Nora’s sister carrying a big leather bag and heading towards the truck. I quickly blocked her.
‘’hey what’s going on?’’ I asked breathlessly.
‘’we are parking out. We are moving to new apartment’’ she answered rudely and walked past me. Her answer kind of left a hole in my heart. I instantly felt uneasy and forced myself to Nora’s apartment to see her busy arranging some household stuffs.
‘’Nora ‘’ I breathed, unable to make out what next to say. She quickly turned to face me as soon as she heard my voice.
‘’why are you here?. Cant you see I’m busy?’’ she asked coldly.
‘’yes I see you are busy parking your things. But why’’ I asked softly, drawing close to hold her. She stared at me silently for some seconds as she felt my touch.
‘’I’m leaving. I don’t want my baby to have anything to do with you nor grow up in this environment. It’s better for us, we stay far away from each other. This is goodbye. You will never see me again’’’ she said seriously , leaving me shaking with great feelings.
‘’no please. Let’s straighten things out’’ I stammered without knowing when I said such words. I really was supposed to be happy that she was leaving for good. That she was disappearing from my life but I just don’t know what made me feel so bad. So very bad.
‘’no lets straightnen things out’’. I stammered again, clasping her cheeks with my palms..

Episode 23
‘’let go of me please. I don’t know the game you are trying to play right now. What is wrong with you?’’ Nora breathed, breaking away from me.
‘’let’s talk thinks over. At least give me the location or name of the place you are moving to?’’ I stammered , drawing close to her once again. She quickly drew back , shaking her head.
‘’hey this ends right now. Go back to your apartment and let me be. Cant you see that i’m busy?. Please allow me to concentrate’’ she said with a raised tone which kind of kept me in check. I took no further step towards her.
‘’fine, now turn and leave me in peace’’ she added, backed me and continued with what she was doing before I walked in. I simply stood and silently watched her, clueless on what exactly to say or do next. I really didn’t want her to leave neither did I want her to stay. In fact I really wasn’t in control of my feelings neither did i know what i actually wanted from her.
I simply stayed back till she finally packed out of the apartment an hour later, leaving with a part of me I knew I would never recover.
My mind was empty and hollow as I nervously waited for Cassandra to show up. I desperately needed her company. I badly needed her presence in order to overcome the pain of seeing Nora leave with sadness in her eyes. I just couldn’t stop thinking of Nora nor stop her image from appearing in my head. I finally had to take few shots of whiskey to calm my nerves.
Yes I just wasn’t myself that fateful Friday evening.
Cassandra showed up at exactly 8pm looking so hot and sharp in her denim jeans and blue top. She was all smiles as she gave me her usual heart warming hug .
‘’I’m so sorry for coming late. I had lots of things to do in school’’ she explained as she noticed how colored up I was.
‘’what’s wrong?. You don’t look so well?’’ she asked curiously. I forced out a smile .
‘’i’m just so stressed up, my dear.’’ I stammered softly..
We ended up having a quick dinner before retiring to the bedroom. I really had lots of things to ask her but felt it was wise leaving everything for the next day. All I wanted was just to enjoy her company and make love to her. Having her in my arms was the only way to get Nora out of my head. Moreover I equally had tried, putting up with her for this long without tasting her delicious apple.
I kept tossing on the bed as I thought of the best approach to use in making love to Cassandra. I really was so h---y and desperately in need of s-x. Her tempting shape equally wasn’t helpful as I battled with my mind.
‘’Cassandra my love’’ I breathed as I slowly closed in on her.she quickly sat up and stared at me suspiciously.
‘’what is it?’’ she asked curiously. I sat up and held her hand.
‘’’tell me what do you feel when I touch you?’’ I asked.
‘’I don’t understand’’ she muttered slowly.
‘’’do you feel anything when i touch you?’’ I pushed on.
‘’please let’s sleep, I’m very tired’’ I heard her say. But without another word, I held her face strongly, planting a kiss on her lips. She instantly drew back like a scared virgin.
‘’I want to make love to you. I want to be inside you. I want to feel you’’ I opened up courageously while she gasped with disbelief.
‘’I thought we agreed on leaving anything concerning s-x till marriage?. Why are you bringing up such topic now. I’m so tired please. If you disturb me one more time, I will leave this room for you’’ she threatened vehemently, shocking me with her cold attitude. I instantly felt very bad.
With deep pain, i came to the conclusion that she certainly had no sexual attraction or should i say feelings for me. It wasn’t the first, second nor third time we were sleeping together, yet nothing. Not even a hot romance. All the things my sister fed me about her slowly came into my head.
‘’should I sleep or are you still bent on disturbing me?’’ she asked to know her position.
‘’you are not a virgin. Are you?’’ I asked , surprising her with the question.
‘’I have met your family. I sponsor you in everything. I’m ready to do much more for you. You very much know my intentions are genuine. Why then are you bent of starving me of the only thing that can solidify our relationship?. I know for a fact that you are not a virgin. I equally have heard stories about you. Yet I shut my heart to the stories and still stayed with you. Anyway it’s all well. There isn’t any need leaving. I will leave the room for you to enjoy your sleep’’ I breathed and stood up to leave.
I meant every word i said to her. I said everything with a clear head and even though I opened up my feelings bravely. I wasn’t really leaving the room with a brave heart but with a failed spirit. I badly needed the s-x and I couldn’t afford spending one more night with her without it. Moreover it wasn’t as if she was a virgin or a religious girl.
‘’you don’t have to leave Dave. Fine lets do it’’ I heard her say as I headed towards the door. I couldn’t believe my ears…
Oh Cassandra.

Episode 24
‘’what?’’ I stammered as I faced her , not knowing what to make of her words.
‘’you heard me right. Let’s do it’’ she said once again, pulling off her night wear. I stared at her suspiciously, a bit indecisive and confused. I badly wanted the s-x but the way by which she was offering it wasn’t encouraging at all. It was as if she was doing it under duress. There wasn’t any doubt she was offering her body against her will but the sight of Cassandra, naked before me was so much to be ignored. It really was a very rare sight.
I drew close and sat on the bed, reaching forward to grab her shoulders. My heart pounded furiously as I kissed her jaw.
‘’please don’t take this the wrong way. You mean so much to me. You are my life. You are my woman. You are my everything’’ I breathed, taking my lips down to her left b----t. I couldn’t help but groan with wondrous pleasure as I tasted it for the first time.
‘’I’m really tired. Please just make it snappy.’’ I heard her say a bit coldly. I raised up my face to stare at her but her eyes seemed to be far away.. It was just as if her body was with me while her soul was somewhere else.
On a very good day, I would have pulled away from her. I would have stopped and left the room but I badly needed her. I badly needed the s-x no matter how it was offered.
I tried to fondle her b-----s but she quickly stopped me.
‘’please just f--k me fast. I want to get done with it and sleep’’ she said as if it was just a business transaction going on between us. There wasn’t any emotion nor feelings in her voice. It was just so cold and dry.
‘’why are you like this?’’ I heard myself ask.
‘’you don’t love me. You are not happy. Should I stop?’’ I kind of asked ,like a school boy. She scoffed and stared at me for some seconds.
‘’no don’t stop. Just do it’’ she breathed slowly while I quickly undressed, fetched a condom, pulled it on and slowly climbed on top her via the good old missionary. She closed her eyes as she felt my slow penetration.
I did my thing for about six minutes before emptying my seed. I quickly pulled away from her, breathing heavily. To be frank nothing was really exciting about the s-x. It was just a mere physical exercise on my part. There was no romance, no love words, no caresses. Nothing. Seriously the s-x we had was even way below what hookers in the street do give out as short time. I just was unsatisfied and unhappy. Nevertheless , I pretended and forced out a smile.
‘’it was wonderful. Thanks’’ I said softly while she said nothing, instead got up and headed to the toilet. She returned a minute later and slowly went to sleep , leaving me to ponder over her attitude all night.
Early the next morning, I woke up to see Cassandra dressing up. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I really couldn’t make out what was happening.
I quickly got up and stared at her curiously.
‘’Cassandra my love. What’s going on?. Where are you dressing to?’’ I asked curiously. She gave me a cold look before answering.
‘’I’m leaving. I’m going back to my school. It’s over between us. I have already paid for all you did for me. You had your way with me last night and I believe I now owe you nothing. You never loved me. All you wanted was s-x and you robbed it on my face last night by reminding me all you did for me, fully knowing the vow I made to God concerning s-x. I have paid you back with my body and so it’s over between us. Good bye’’ she poured out, shocking me with her words. I couldn’t believe a d--n thing.
‘’what!’’ I screamed with disbelief.
‘’oh yes, you heard me right’’ she fired back as we stared at each other with red eyes…

Episode 25
‘’come on Cassandra dear. This isn’t the right way to display your anger?’’ I stammered, trying my best to make her have a rethink. She sighed and continued with what she was doing, leaving me with no choice than to reach forward and grab her from behind.
‘’I’m so sorry about last night. I’m really sorry. I promise to make it up for you. Just relax please.’’ I pleaded desperately. She shook herself off me, grabbed her bag and faced me defiantly.
‘’I’m leaving . my mind is made. I owe you no explanation, no nothing’’ she breathed and headed to my sitting room while I ran after her like a terrified child. Of course I was extremely terrified and scared. I have never experienced such attitude from a woman in my entire life. I just didn’t know what to do or how to pacify her.
Her body language clearly showed that she was very serious with what she was doing.
‘’Cassandra my love. Don’t leave me in such manner. You are breaking my heart. Please just calm down and let’s talk things through. I beg of you’’ I desperately pleaded as she grabbed the knob of the exit door. She hesitated for some seconds, giving me the opportunity to get closer and hold her bag.
‘’this isn’t the way a responsible and well mannered lady like you should act. I’m very close to being your husband. I can even start the marriage rites from tomorrow if you permit me. Why are so being so uptight and unforgiving?. Is it a crime to love. Is it a crime to love you so unconditionally?. You are taking this too far’’ I pleaded one last time. She stared at me for some seconds, for the first time appearing a bit indecisive.
I couldn’t believe the whole scene was real. It was very shameful and disheartening seeing a big boy like me begging like a street tout. That was exactly how low love brought me, yet the girl before me was still unforgiving and indecisive.
‘’just calm down Dave. Allow me to go and think thinks through. You will hear from me tonight or tomorrow morning’’ she finally muttered before disappearing unceremoniously, leaving me so uncertain of the future.
‘’oh Cassandra’’ I moaned as I dragged myself to my room with a very broken spirit. I just didn’t know what to think or believe. Cassandra’s action clearly showed that she was yet to fall in love me .
‘’supposing she is in love with me, she wouldn’t have reacted this way’’ I reasoned with regret as I remembered Nora.
I was busy comparing Cassandra with Nora when my eyes fell on a Nokia phone lying on the floor. The phone instantly got my attention because it wasn’t mine, neither have I seen Cassandra with it. I curiously picked it up and examined it.
The phone was switched off and with little effort I switched it on , checking the files in it which soon led me to the picture gallery. I saw Cassandra pictures which instantly settled my doubts as I came to the conclusion that she must have dropped the phone when she was packing her things when we were arguing. But instead of dropping the phone, I continued checking the pictures in it and soon got to the pictures that shocked me.
I saw pictures of Cassandra in numerous bad postures with different guys and the more I went through the pictures, the more angry I got.
There was no unclad picture in the phone but then the way and indiscriminate manner she posed with guys in the pictures, clearly showed that she wasn’t the saint she was claiming to be. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind anymore that all my sister told me was true. Cassandra was definitely living a double life.
I just didn’t know how to take the things I saw her do with guys in the pictures. Perhaps supposing I passed through the university it wouldn’t have been a new thing to me. But I never attended a university and the pictures really were so horrible and disgusting to be discarded easily.
I picked up my phone and called Chinedu, inviting him over to my house but unfortunately he told me that he was engaged that morning and promised to show up in the evening.
I had no choice than to wallow in self misery. I couldn’t even go out nor do anything. My heart was just so bitter and heavy. It really was by God’s grace that I was able to survive till when Chinedu showed up by 5pm.
I wasted no time in showing my friend the pictures. He smiled as he went through the files and when he was done, gave me back the phone which I switched off and threw in my pocket.
‘’so what do you think?’’ I asked with a heavy mind, but before he could answer, the door bell rang, leaving us with no choice than to suspend the discussion while I headed to the door to check who rang the bell.
It turned out to be no other person than Cassandra.
Oh Cassandra

Episode 26
‘’Cassandra’’ I breathed with great surprise, staring at the girl before me with disbelief. Of course she was the last person i was expecting to see that day. I couldn’t imagine what made her come back.
‘’Yes I changed my mind. I’m back’’ she said with a smile while studying me with her eyes as she waited for me to let her in.
‘’so what’s up, seems like you are not happy to see me or what?. You look so tensed?’’ she asked as I made way for her to enter the sitting room. I forced out a smile saying nothing.
‘’hmmmm I don’t understand you’’ she murmured, freezing with surprise as she saw Chinedu who quickly stood up with a smile.
‘’wow I’m really glad to see you, welcome’’ Chinedu greeted politely, leaving a smile on her face before facing me.
‘’I have to go brother. We will continue our discussion tomorrow’’ he said, shook hands with me and left, leaving Cassandra and I all alone.
I stared at Cassandra for some seconds, not knowing what to say to her. A part of me wanted me to confront her over the pictures in her phone while another part of me kicked against it. But the surprising thing of it all was that I still felt something for her. The pictures I saw never affected my feelings greatly, all it did was just to create a little doubt in my heart. A doubt which a well made explanation could easily erase .
‘’what’s up with you?. You are acting so strange. Are you not happy to see me?’’ Cassandra asked again, breaking my thoughts. I silently fetched a glass of water which I drank before sitting beside her.
‘’Cassandra my love. I do love you very much. I’m very willing to do a lot more for you and In return I need your full love, support, respect and faithfulness. I know I’m no saint but my conscience is very clear when it comes to you. I expect the same from you. Tell me, do you love me with all your heart?’’ I asked curiously, expecting an honest answer from her. My heart pounded furiously in expectation and fear. Yes I really needed an honest answer from her but I equally was scared of hearing a negative reply.
She breathed deeply, leaving her eyes on me for some seconds before looking down.
‘’you want an honest answer?’’ she asked, leaving me very nervous with the question.
‘’love isn’t a one day thing. It’s a continuous process. Yes I like you. Yes I’m slowly growing fond of you. Yes my feelings for you are developing strongly. Yes I wont do anything to hurt you. Yes I can do unimaginable things for you. I don’t know If all these put together can be termed love. Maybe it Is, Maybe it isn’t. Love is really something I’m still to get a clear definition of.’’ She muttered, taking me aback with her answer. I really wasn’t expecting an answer like that and I must confess, I really was confused and relieved at the same time.
‘’well I’m glad you feel something for me’’ I breathed, fetching out her phone from my pocket. Her eyes instantly fell on it, growing dim with surprise.
‘’I picked your phone and saw pictures I never expected to see’’ I muttered with great pain.
‘’pictures?. What did you see?’’ she asked, acting surprised. I switched on the phone, opened the picture gallery and showed her the pictures one after the other.
‘’so what do you have to say?’’ I asked when we got to the last picture. She shook her head and laughed coldly.
‘’I cant believe you acting like a little boy. What’s wrong with the pictures huh?. The first picture was taken in a friend’s birthday party. Yes a guy was carrying me in the picture but that’s students life. It was just a picture pose and nothing more. The second picture where a guy was spoon-feeding me was taken in a hostel party organized for new students. The last four pictures were taken when we did our departmental award night in a hotel. I’m really so annoyed right now. I cant believe you went through my phone just to search for my pictures. You see that’s something I’m scared of in this relationship. I don’t think we are even compatible. Your reasoning and mine is not the same. I guess you have already concluded in your mind that I’m a cheat. So there is no need staying here or explaining anything’’ she fired angrily, grabbed her phone and bag , stood up and headed to the door.
I couldn’t believe my ears, i couldn’t believe the things I just heard her say.
In her anger she threw out her mind and said how she really felt about me but instead of taking a clue from it, I blamed myself instead. I felt I was wrong to judge her with mere pictures which never really portrayed anything indecent in respect with our modern day society. My heart was really heavy with regret and I couldn’t afford letting her leave the second time.
‘’’I’m sorry my love. I’m really sorry for judging you wrongly’’ I quickly apologized, stopping her with my words. She turned and faced me, searching my eyes as if she really wasn’t just sure of my words.
There wasn’t any doubt she was scared of losing me and I felt it was a great attribute of love.
”My love’’ I breathed once again as we hugged each other tightly.

Episode 27
‘’I’m also very sorry for being very harsh on you. I really should cut off my tongue’’ Cassandra apologized quickly, holding me tightly and looking into my eyes as if she wanted to kiss me.
It really was one of the few emotional or should I say romantic moments we ever shared. I felt so happy, so fulfilled, and so accomplished having her melting in my arms. Her actions were very pure and convincing. I had great urge to kiss her deeply. I had great urge to make love to her there and then, but I held myself. I controlled my emotions and simply held her strongly.
‘’I really felt bad when I left in the morning. I made a very bad judgement call’’ she confessed while I breathed deeply, nodding in agreement.
‘’yes dear you made a very bad judgment call but it’s all in the past. Let’s forget about it. Cassandra my love’’ I said with all my heart. She smiled and nodded with great smile on her face.
‘’you are a very nice person. Really’’ she muttered, tipping my ego with her words.
‘’so how about we go out for a wonderful dinner?. Let’s go to a quiet place downtown, where we can eat and enjoy the evening weather’’ I offered. Her eyes shone with great delight.
‘’wow that sounds cool. Who am I to reject such wondrous offer?’’ she breathed , caressing my face with her hands.
‘’we leave by 7pm, so you have enough time to do your thing’’ I added sweetly.
I soon left her smiling and headed to my room to rest and clear my head before the evening outing. There was nothing I wanted more than getting married to Cassandra.
Oh my Cassandra, so gracious, so charming, so beautiful and very educated.
By 7:30pm that fateful evening, we were well settled by the poolside of ‘’All Seasons Hotel’’ . The environment really was so cool and serene. Cassandra was very impressed and happy which equally left a great smile on my face because I love seeing her happy.
‘’being here with you makes me very happy. You are really God sent to me’’ I said sweetly, reaching for her hand across the table. She blushed and looked down. I laughed at her behavior.
‘’’sometimes you act like an experienced adult and sometimes you act like a little child’’ I said playfully, drawing out a curious glance from her.
‘’so how am I acting now?’’ she asked with a smile, but before I could answer, my eyes fell on a man and a lady making their way to a table. The lady was no other person than Nora and the gentleman with her looked quite healthy, rich and sophisticated. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t believe seeing my Nora with another guy. It was something I never expected to see and I hate to admit that I felt my heart shrink.
I really cant explain that feeling but then it was just as if I wasn’t in control of my mind anymore. I kept staring at her, ignoring Cassandra who quickly noticed what was going on.
‘’isn’t that lady your neighbor?’’ i heard her ask.
‘’yes yes yes’’ I breathed, forcing out a smile as I desperately tried to suppress my feelings. I couldn’t help but wonder if Nora was really moving on with another man, carrying my baby in her stomach. I wasn’t supposed to be concerned but yes I was concerned.
‘’there is something I have been wanting to ask. Please don’t misinterpret my question but as a woman there are some things we do see with our inner mind’’ Cassandra said softly, studying me.
‘’that lady over there is your neighbor right?’’ she asked once again while I nodded in agreement.
‘’I noticed something the day you introduced me to her but I kept my feelings to myself. Now tell me, have you guys dated before or is she just a neighbor to you?’’ she slowly asked, leaving me a bit speechless with her question.
I drew back and stared pointedly at her, quickly running some calculations in my head. I really needed to tell her the truth about Nora and my baby. It was something I had to do sooner or later but considering the situation at hand, I was very very scared.
Just like Coolval wrote in one of his stories, ‘’sometimes a well crafted lie is hundred times better than a well said truth.’’
I considered keeping my relationship with Nora away from her for the time being. I opted giving a not too honest reply to my Cassandra.

Episode 28
‘’no nothing my dear. It’s just that i’m very surprised to see her. She packed out of her apartment yesterday and I thought she left town’’ I answered while Cassandra shrugged, saying nothing else.
The rest of the dinner really was uneventful with me thinking only of Nora. I desperately tried to get her out of my head but couldn’t. It was just by luck that Cassandra failed to notice my absentmindedness and if she did notice never made it look obvious.
Hours later
‘’can you stay a week with me?’’ I asked Cassandra as we retired to my bed for a good night sleep. She shook her head quickly,.
‘’no I cant be away from school for so long. Don’t you want me to graduate?’’ she answered softly.
‘’My dear it’s just that I do want to spend much more time with you but you are right, your education comes first’’ I answered with resignation.
‘’I will stay with you till Tuesday . hope that’s cool with you??’’ she suddenly asked, leaving a smile on my face.
‘’yea that’s cool. Thanks’’ I breathed happily,.
‘’I hope you still remember that my birthday is coming up in two weeks time?’’ she suddenly asked, touching my chest. I scratched my head as I instantly remembered. Yes she really has been singing it in my ears for the past few weeks and it was something I promised to celebrate for her.
‘’I have to start on time to make the planning and preparations. I will have to arrange for a good cake, do a little shopping and equally pay for a good venue. You know this is something I haven’t done for the past ten years’’ she pushed on.
”my budget is within thirty to fifty thousand Naira” she added softly.
‘’ I believe forty thousand Naira will be enough. That’s the amount i mapped out for it’’ I answered, leaving her overwhelmed with joy. I really was ready to do anything for my Cassandra only if she remains loyal, respectful and loving.
However what she did next extremely surprised me. Cassandra climbed over me without a single word, without me even asking for it, bent and kissed me softly. I stared at her with disbelief, seizing my breathe as i waited for her next move.
”you deserve all the good things in the world. you are such a nice person. you have done so much for me. You changed my life. I appreciate it all” she breathed, bent and pressed her boobs on my chest.
Oh i suddenly saw myself in heaven. i saw myself among angels as the breeze of pleasure blew my entire body.
”call my name” she demanded softly.
”Cassandra my love” i breathed,
”again” she demanded, tasting my mouth, jaw, cheeks and entire face with her tongue. she licked me dry like a giant dog. It was so wondrous, so passionate and so awesome. I haven’t experienced anything like it before.
”oh my Cassandra” i breathed again and again as she worked on my body with great attention.
”so what do you want from me right now?” she demanded swiftly, opening my shirt and feeling my b-----s with her hands.
”please let’s make love. let’s have a night of passion. let’s take our relationship to the next level” i stammered with quick breathe. she kept quiet for a wile before taking off her night wear.
”i hope you still have a condom?” she demanded curiously.
”oh yes yes” i quickly answered. She climbed down from my body , sat on the bed and smiled at me.
”go get ready because tonight is Going to be hot” she slowly muttered, surprising me a great deal; with her words. i couldn’t believe my ears. i couldn’t make out what was in her mind. It was just so unbelievable. I never imagined Cassandra giving herself to me in such manner.
My love for her multiplied a thousand times over.
”thank you Cassandra” i stammered as i slowly penetrated my queen via the popular d----e style. It just looked as if i was dreaming. It just looked so unreal. I was finally in control of her mind, body and soul. So i reasoned.
”thank you God” i breathed over and over as i rode her swiftly, taking my time to take her to the extreme with my superb moves.
An hour later, we fell beside each other, totally spent and exhausted.The love i had for her this time around was way more than what i felt for her in the past. This new love was so strong that i could even starve myself for a week just to provide all her needs and make her happy.
”there isn’t any need starving you of s-x anymore since the vow i made to God has been broken already” she breathed as she played with my chest.
”i really wish there is something i can do to compensate you for it. I really will do anything and I’m serous about it” I said with all sincerity.
”what if there is really something i know you can do?” she suddenly added, placing her head on my chest and leaving me wondering what her next demand could be.
As for the s-x. I totally enjoyed every bit of it and what i felt now was very much stronger than what i felt for her in the past.
Oh Cassandra.

Episode 29
‘’my dear let’s just sleep. There is nothing in my head right now than to sleep’’ Cassandra breathed deeply. I smiled and kissed her with satisfaction.
‘’very well then. Lets sleep’’ I said softly, closing my eyes with great happiness and satisfaction. I slept with a very happy and relaxed mind.
I woke up the next morning to hear my door bell ringing. I lazily yawned as I got up from the bed, wondering who could be at my door so early in the day.
‘’who could it be?’’ I wondered as I made my way to the sitting room, using the opportunity to take a quick glance at my wall clock. The time read 9:20AM.
On opening the door I was shocked to see the same man I saw with Nora the previous day, looking down at me. I stared at him with disbelief , wondering if I was dreaming or not. He definitely was the last person I expected to see that Sunday morning. I just was so surprised that I couldn’t even say a word to him. Instead I weighed him with my eyes.
The gentleman was much more taller than I was. The manner and way in which he carried himself, clearly told me that he was very rich. Yes very , very rich. I just was so stunned and surprised seeing him at my door step.
‘’good morning sir. I’m so sorry for disturbing you so early in the day. Actually I came into town last night and will be traveling this evening, that’s the reason I came so early in order to meet you at home’’ he explained swiftly while I stared at him with a look of suspicion because he was yet to introduce himself.
‘’by the way,my name is Charles and I’m Nora’s cousin’’ he quickly introduced himself. I nodded , urging him to go on.
‘’well there are some things I wish to discuss with you concerning Nora and it definitely has to do with her pregnancy and it’s very serious’’ he added when he noticed that I wasn’t eager in letting him into my apartment. But as I heard the reason for his visit, I instantly grew nervous because Cassandra was in my apartment.
‘’listen mister. You cant just show up in a guy’s house so early in the day without even a phone call or invitation to discuss such issue. I’m very busy right now and we cant discuss here. Give me your card or phone number. I will call you around 12pm so that we can meet and discuss somewhere else. Hope you are cool with it?’’ I asked guardedly. He gave me a suspicious look before shrugging and fetching a business card which he gave to me.
‘’call me. Please this is important’’ he said and left.
I returned to my room , looking very worried and a bit scared. I couldn’t imagine what the gentleman wanted to discuss with me. There wasn’t any doubt that a guy like him was the type who enjoyed legal issues.
As i opened the door leading to my room, I overheard Cassandra speaking on phone, but then she was already in the process of rounding up the call and all i was able to hear were the words ”GOOD BYE DEAREST”.
However i never paid any serious attention to it because even though the words appeared affectionate in meaning, it could still be used on anyone. Moreover i was still in shock or should i say nervous over the unexpected visit Nora’s cousin just gave me.
‘’of course I thought so. He is a lawyer. How bad can things get?’’ I wondered as I read the words written in the complimentary card i was given.
‘’hope everything is okay?’’ Cassandra asked curiously as I entered the room with a grave look. I forced out a smile, hiding my fear and pretending that all was well. But then no matter how hard I tried to appear calm, fear still showed all over me. I was filled with great suspense over what Nora was planning with her cousin.
Hours Later
2pm saw me at the exact spot Cassandra and I spent the previous evening. I was back again at ‘’All Seasons Hotel’’ but this time around, it wasn’t for pleasure but for something I just couldn’t fathom.
You guys cant imagine how loud my heart pounded as I made my way to the young man who really insisted I show up at the hotel when I called him as i promised by 12pm.
The tone he used on me, really made me abandon Cassandra and rush over to see him. There wasn’t any doubt he could be my future nightmare.
‘’I guess you already know that I’m a lawyer but not only a lawyer but also a human right activist. You had an affair with my cousin, got her pregnant and then felt because you are in Nigeria that you can abandon her to her fate. Right?’’ he quickly asked, studying me with his intelligent eyes while I closed my fist like a guy getting ready for a fight.
Episode 30
‘’anyway relax bro, I’m not here to fight you, rather I’m here to discuss things with you’’ the young lawyer suddenly added, forcing out a smile that made me relax a bit. Nevertheless I still stared at him suspiciously, wondering the type of game he was trying to play with me.
‘’before I continue , you should know that Nora has no hand in this meeting. She clearly kicked against it but I had to force her into giving me your details. Nora means a lot to me. I’m much more than a cousin to her. Her problems are equally mine and I wont take it kindly with anyone hurting or causing harm to her happiness’’ he said calmly, stopping to see if his words were registering. I kept my eyes on him, not blinking even for a second.
‘’I was with Nora yesterday and believe me, she is just a shadow of herself. She is suffering in silence. Her heart is totally broken, thanks to you. Seriously I’m very unhappy with you. I’m not here right now as a lawyer but as someone who wants his sister’s happiness. Why are you doing this to her?. Don’t tell me you don’t love her please. I know it’s about the new girl in your life. Yes she told me everything about Cassandra and i came to the conclusion that you probably abandoned her because you felt she doesn’t deserve a man like you. You felt her level in society doesn’t meet up to your taste?’’ he went on and on, throwing me around with his words. I never said a word until he was done.
‘’you know at first I thought all you wanted to do was to threaten me but I’m happy you are matured enough to know that things don’t work that way. You see Nora and I were never in a relationship. Yes we were close to each other but as neighbors and nothing else. It was unfortunate that a night of careless abandon ended the way it did. I never denied her pregnancy. I even offered to assist but no she wont hear of it. Nora wants us to be together as a couple and nothing else, something that can never happen because I’m in love with someone else. I’m so sorry for being so plain and honest with you’’ I muttered seriously. The young lawyer stared at me silently. The look on his face clearly showed that he was disappointed with my reply.
‘’Nora is a great woman, no doubt. She will make a good wife and mother but I don’t feel strongly or feel the way I feel for Cassandra towards her. You got to understand please’’ I begged desperately.
‘’how are you sure the love Cassandra has for you is greater than that of Nora’s?. have you tested Cassandra for once?. You see one thing we guys don’t know is that it Is better to move on with a woman whose love is greater than ours than moving on with a woman whose love is way much lower than ours. Think of it bro. Think of it. Nora needs you , here is her new house address’’ he said softly, fetched a pen and a piece of paper from his pocket and wrote than Nora’s new address which he gave to me.
‘’I want us to be friends and the only way it can happen is by you getting back to Nora. I have many ways to go around things but I pray this issue ends well between us’’ he said with a cold smile, shook hands with me and got up, leaving me with my imaginations.
I had great urge to drive over to Nora’s new apartment to surprise her with a visit but after thinking about it for some minutes I decided to go home instead. I just couldn’t imagine how my Cassandra was feeling after being left alone on a Sunday when we were supposed to be together.
I hurriedly drove home, forming an apology In my mind as I drove. My Cassandra was someone I couldn’t afford to hurt and I kept checking my watch as I cursed and speed home.
On getting to my compound, I spotted Cassandra in front of the gate seriously arguing with a young man whose dressing portrayed as a rough person or should i say a rough student. The young man was on black jean trouser, black top and a black face cap, also probably in his mid twenties.
Quickly parking my car, I rushed forward to see what was happening. I drew back Cassandra and stared at her with great worry.
‘’whats happening my dear?, what going on?’’ I asked but she couldn’t answer, instead nervously looked down.
‘’so you are the guy huh?. You are the old man deceiving my Cassandra?’’ the young man suddenly barked, drawing out a pen-knife from his pocket as he advanced towards me murderously.
Oh Cassandra!
