Cassandra season 1

Episode 11
Later in the night as we settled for a good night sleep. My heart pounded quickly out of excitement. I really was dying to make love to Cassandra. I so badly wanted to take the kiss she gave me earlier in the day which was still fresh in my memory to the next level. My excitement knew no bounds.
‘’Cassandra’’ I breathed, grabbing her waist as my heart pounded faster..
‘’I so much love you. I so much want to be with you for the rest of my life. Please make me a happy man.’’ I pleaded. She smiled and breathed deeply.
‘’I’m here with you my dear. I have no plans of going anywhere’’ she replied sweetly. I drew closer, kissing her forehead. She kept quiet and closed her eyes, an action which I saw as a green light to continue with what I planned doing.
I so much wanted to make love to her. I so much wanted to relieve the tension in my waist. I so much wanted to be inside her. I so badly wanted to hear her scream and moan underneath me. I so much wanted to taste my Cassandra. I so much wanted to have a taste of her juicy body.
Slowly reaching down, I touched her b----t as the second step in tuning her up, slowly fondly the right side but she quickly held my hand, stopping me.
‘’oh Dave what do you want?’’ she asked like a child. I swallowed hard, and kissed her lips.
‘’I badly want to make you mine. I love you so much Cassandra. I want you’’ I breathed. She quickly drew back and sat up.
‘’we need to talk’’ she said, looking very serious.
‘’what do you want us to talk tonight?’’ I asked, sitting up and quickly controlling my raging hormones which were in the process of blowing out of proportion. I switched on the electric table lamp beside me in order to see her face clearly.
‘’yes I know you have been doing a lot for me lately. You have a very good and noble heart. All that i appreciate but I’m still yet to make a big decision concerning our relationship. Things between us are speeding much more than can be imagined. Yes It’s a good thing but nevertheless we should respect each other . A relationship is all about knowing each other, building up trust and setting up a harmonious future. s-x is never a priority and should be something done when the relationship has reached maturity. And what I mean by maturity, is after the relationship has been legalized by marriage. In other words, I’m among the few ladies who believe in *no s-x before marriage*’’ she preached, leaving me totally demoralized with her words.
Sensing my mood, She drew closer and caressed my chest, smiling reassuringly.
‘’listen my dear, s-x isn’t something unmarried couples should engage in. it’s a very big sin, moreover I made a vow to God that I will keep my body and heart pure till marriage only if he will get me a good man. God answered my prayers by bringing you to me and I have to keep my vow’’ she added solemnly, throwing herself on me in an embrace. I held her tightly, sad but comforted with her words.
‘’so when are we meeting your parents. I’m so much in a hurry to meet them. I’m so much in a hurry to take our relationship to the next level’’ I pushed on, surprising her with my words. She quickly broke free from me and stared into my eyes. It was very obvious she wasn’t expecting such words from me.
‘’valentine’s day is about two weeks away. How about we visit your family and celebrate the festive day with them?’’ I offered seriously,pushing her back with my words. This time her face colored up with astonishment. Her hands shook for no reason.
‘’I’m very serious about you. I now leave the yam and knife with you. Everything is in your hands. Just tell me how it’s going to be like. Will you take me to your family on Valentine’s day?’’ I pushed on, drawing close to kiss her.
‘’do you really love me that much?’’ she asked with a slow whisper, surprising me with the question.
‘’oh yes I love you so much my dear. I will do anything to prove it’’ I replied quickly but the next thing I saw was tears in her eyes. Cassandra started crying for no reason. Perhaps it was tears of joy..
‘’no it cant be’’ she cried and backed me.
Episode 12
‘’what can’t be my dear?’’i asked , holding her with concern. She shook her head and stared into my eyes.
‘’such strong love. So powerful and pure. I cant believe you feel so much for me’’ she poured out, melting my heart with her words. I smiled with satisfaction.
‘’but please let’s just sleep. I want to sleep now’’ she begged, leaving me with no choice than to shrug with resignation even though deep down I still badly felt like exploring her to my satisfaction. I never believed in holding s-x till marriage. It was one of the things I hated to even imagine, nevertheless I was ready to let her be for the night.
‘’there isn’t any need rushing things’’ I reasoned.
Nothing eventful happened early the next day. However Just like the last time she visited, she cleaned my house and cooked for me. By 4pm we visited chinedu who hosted us at a plush eatery close to his apartment. It really was an opportunity I used in letting my friend check out Cassandra who as usual behaved her best. She so totally impressed Chinedu that he ended up smiling and nodding to all she did..
But as we returned to my apartment hours later, we ran into Nora at the corridor, something i so much wished not to happen and It equally was my first time of seeing her after the passionate evening we shared a week a ago. Nora froze on seeing us while I quickly regained my composure and greeted her jovially.
‘’wow Nora, it’s been a while ooo. How have you been doing?’’ I greeted quickly. She forced out a smile , throwing a quick look at Cassandra.
‘’oh yes I have been busy. Good evening’’ she greeted.
‘’meet my friend Cassandra. the girl I told you about sometime back’’ I introduced, Cassandra blushed and greeted .
‘’you are welcome my dear. Please make my neighbor very happy. The poor guy wont let me rest with your story’’ she politely said to Cassandra who blushed once again. I stared at her with disbelief. I couldn’t believe she could act so cool and friendly before Cassandra. My guilty conscience instantly began hurting me.
‘’okay now. Good night’’ She greeted and walked past us while I slowly went into my apartment with Cassandra who never noticed how miserable and shaken up I was.
As we settled for down for a good night sleep. I hungrily stared at Cassandra once again, overly tempted to pounce and make love to the beautiful girl. I really was so h---y and desperate. I just couldn’t continue staring at the food before me, unable to do a thing.
‘’Cassandra dear’’ I breathed, placing my hand on her body.
‘’what is it again? ‘’ she asked sleepily .
‘’you didn’t say anything concrete when I brought up the proposal of seeing your parents on valentine’s day’’ I asked, gently caressing her body as I slowly made my way to her b----t.
‘’I think you are just rushing things between us. Something as delicate as a relationship shouldn’t be rushed. We still have a lot of time to know each other. I’m really not in support of you seeing my family so soon’’ she replied, removing my hand from her body and getting me very angrily for the first time. Perhaps it was the s-x I knew I wont get that night or the way she removed my hand from her body that got me very upset.
I sprang up with great energy, breathing furiously with annoyance.
‘’what’s with you eh?. I help you out in everything. I’m even ready to do more, yet you still treat me like an acquaintance. I’m not even qualified to see your family talk more of touching you.’’ I fired angrily. She instantly sat up with fear, totally surprised that i could raise my voice on her.
‘’calm down please. You simply misunderstood me’’ she murmured, holding my hand softly and calming me with her words.
‘’’I’m so sorry dear. Fine we will go together to see my parents on valentine’s day’’ she suddenly accepted, leaving my heaving a sigh of relief. I realized that moment that acting manly sometimes is needed to make things happen.
‘’are you happy now?’’ she asked while i shrugged with resignation. She smiled and fell back on the bed.
‘’just hold me tightly , lets sleep’’ she added and backed while I slowly fell back on the bed and did as she requested.
Cassandra left on Sunday evening with eighteen thousand Naira, promising to show up early on valentine’s day. I really was so happy that finally I wasn’t only getting her love, but equally having a control over her life.
I shared my experience and feelings with Chinedu the next day at his shop.
‘’well Cassandra is quite a charming lady. I have nothing else to say about her. So my dear friend, all I will do is just to sit and watch as things unfold between you guys’’ he said with a shrug.
I was left with no choice than to nervously wait for valentine’s day to arrive. I literally counted the days as I anxiously waited.
But Unfortunately for me, Cassandra never picked my calls nor showed up on valentine’s day.
Episode 13
I just cant describe how I felt that early Valentine’s day when I dialed Cassandra’s number and found it was switched off. At first I had hope that she would soon switch on the phone since it was still early and probably was switched off as she slept the previous night. But as 12noon approached and the phone was yet to be switched on, I became extremely worried, scared and suspicious. I painfully realized that her phone was most likely switched off to avoid my calls. A realization that clouded my entire being. I felt so terrible, so humiliated, so deceived. I felt like smashing my head on the wall.
A day that was supposed to be one of my most memorable days slowly turned into a painful nightmare. I couldn’t believe Cassandra could play me in such manner. I couldn’t help but think of what she could be doing that very moment.
‘’she’s most probably with a guy or about seeing someone else’’ I reasoned with great pain. All the plans and hopes I had for that day slowly dashed.
I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t think properly. I couldn’t even do anything.
To make matters worse my friend Chinedu called to know if Cassandra and I had finally gotten to Portharcourt. Something he did so innocently as a friend but his question left me feeling more bitter. I couldn’t even tell him that Cassandra was yet to show up. I couldn’t tell him that Cassandra was disappointing me.
‘’please bro, I will call you later’’ was all I managed to say before ending his call.
Slowly the clock struck 2pm with Cassandra’s phone still switched off, nevertheless I still had some faint hopes that she would show up. .
‘’dear lord, don’t let her disappoint me’’ I prayed fearfully.
My heart really was more than shattered and broken. I had that painful feeling we guys get when we catch the person we love so much cheating on us. Mine was even more painful because i trusted the d--n girl with all my heart.
I was close to tears as the clock struck 7pm without Cassandra showing up nor her phone switched on. I hopelessly went to bed with an empty stomach and a broken heart.
I couldn’t believe it was all happening. My life just came to a standstill . I felt terribly bad and sick. I couldn’t help but come to the conclusion that the woman I loved so much was playing me like a leather ball. Oh it was such a painful feeling of hopelessness. But the unfortunate and surprising thing of it all was that my heart was ready to forgive Cassandra.
I was still ready to do everything for her.
Finally early the next day, my phone woke me up with its loud ringing tone. I grabbed my phone to see that it was Cassandra who was calling. My heart froze as I nervously answered.
‘’I’m so sorry for disappointing you dear. My phone was down yesterday and there wasn’t any electricity in my hostel to charge the phone. Moreover I also woke up with a terrible stomach upset. I vomited all through yesterday. I was even unable to leave my bed. Please I’m so sorry for disappointing you’’ she apologized effortlessly, leaving me breathing deeply.
To be sincere with myself, I knew she was lying but I closed my heart to it and chose to believe all she said. I just was badly in love with her, moreover hearing her voice very early in the day changed my feelings. I suddenly became happy once again.
‘’please I’m ready to do anything to relieve the pain I probably caused you yesterday’’ she added.
‘’the only way you can compensate me is by coming over as soon as possible’’ I muttered seriously.
‘’’fine, I’m on my way then’’ she accepted quickly and hung up, leaving me with the strangest feeling I ever had.
I was so much in love with Cassandra but for the first time I was scared of my future with her.

Episode 14
Minutes after the phone call, Chinedu showed up at my apartment to check up on me. He really was worried by the cold manner I answered his call the previous day and quite knew that something wasn’t alright.
‘’I knew it. I knew something was wrong yesterday. Your voice was so strange and different. i sensed it’’ he said seriously after I told him all that happened the previous day plus Cassandra’s phone call minutes ago.
‘’so what do you think bro?’’ I asked while he shrugged.
‘’it’s very obvious Cassandra spend Valentine’s day with her school boyfriend or someone she met before you. It’s very common among students but by her calling you early today, it shows she still wants to keep you by her side. Everything is in your hands. It’s left for you to continue or not but as for me you know I do prefer Nora over the pretty girl’’ he said seriously. I rubbed my face with my palms with worry, very uncertain of which part to follow. The love i had for Cassandra was so real and pure. it wasn’t something that could be waved away so effortlessly.
Marrying the pretty girl was an accomplishment I so badly wanted to achieve but with the situation of things, I just wasn’t sure of myself anymore. Moreover cutting my relationship with her at that early stage also meant abandoning the money I already had invested on her.
My phone rang that moment and it was Cassandra calling again. I stared at my phone for some seconds before answering.
‘’hi dear, are we still going to see my family today?’’ she asked,
‘’yes we are’’ I answered, leaving her silent for some seconds as she probably pondered over my answer and how to reply me.
‘’it’s just as if you are rushing things for no reason, but it’s alright I’m already on my way to your house’’ she muttered and hung up.
Chinedu took his leave soon after, but he equally dropped another advice, begging me to be careful and think things through.
By 10am that fateful morning, Cassandra arrived at my apartment looking very sharp and beautiful in a green gown. Seeing her looking so hot and mature removed all the doubts and bad feelings i was having before she arrived. I swallowed hard as i admired her beauty while she graciously threw herself on me, apologizing once again for disappointing me the previous day. I smiled with great joy.
Minutes later, we left my apartment and headed to Porthacourt, stopping on the way to buy some things for her family.
It really was an uneventful drive from Owerri to Portharcourt. We said nothing much to each other, instead concentrated on our thoughts. In no time we arrived at her family house, which surprisingly was located in a plush neighbourhood.
No one was at the house when we arrived but after waiting for some minutes Cassandra’s mother showed up, looking very surprised.
‘’my dear you never told us you were coming home, nor coming with a friend.’’ Her mother queried, hugging her daughter and expertly seizing me up.
‘’yes mum, it was a sudden decision. Actually I planned coming yesterday’’ she replied softly before introducing me to her mother.
I spend close to three hours in Cassandra’s house. Her mother was very friendly and kind. She welcomed me as if I was part of the family and equally served me a wonderful meal of pounded yam and vegetable soup. Cassandra’s father who showed up later in the day was more reserved and a bit cold. He asked very prying and unnecessary questions which I answered easily. However I made no mention that I was interested in marrying their daughter because it was my first visit and traditionally not acceptable to do so in the first visit.
By 4:30pm, I got up to leave, very satisfied and happy. Cassandra told that she was staying to spend some days with her family , something I never expected but quickly accepted.
‘’so you see, I have nothing to hide. My ways are plan and simple. You have seen my family, haven’t you?’’’ she asked with her usual killing smile as she escorted me to my car. I smiled back with great happiness.
”i’m a very plain girl. you should learn to trust me” she added very innocently, leaving me with no cause to worry about anything. I stared deep into her eyes and held her hands.
‘’I will take you to my family during the coming Easter celebration. I can’t wait to introduce you to my whole family’’ I muttered, stunning her with my words. She froze and stared at me with disbelief while I nodded like a happy lizard.
‘’you are going to be mine sooner than you expect dear’’ I said in my mind, very sure of myself.
Marrying the beautiful damsel was the only thing in my mind that moment. I hoped for the best. I prayed for a wonderful life with her..
Oh Cassandra.
Episode 15
‘’one more thing my dear’’ Cassandra prayed, drawing closer to me. I stared at her curiously, wondering what else she wanted to say.
‘’we wont be seeing each other again till after my exams. I will be very busy with school stuff once I get back to school in two days time, moreover our exams are very tough, and….’’ She tried to explain, but I instantly stopped her, placing a finger on her lips.
‘’I understand dear, no need to explain. Just study hard , your education matters a lot to me. I believe before the last week of march your exams will be over’’ I said softly while she nodded happily.
‘’yes, thanks for understanding and have a safe journey’’ she added sweetly…..
I returned to my apartment a very happy man. All the pains and bad feelings I had the previous day all disappeared. I hoped for best. I prayed for the best. I prayed for a happy ending.
I just couldn’t wait to start up the necessary marriage talks with Cassandra’s family. Easter was even too far to wait for.
Chinedu was extremely surprised when I told him about the trip the next day, of course he never believed Cassandra was going to take me to her home and never hid his surprise and feelings after i narrated everything to him.
‘’hmmmm my guy, I just don’t know what to say anymore. With the way things are, I think she sincerely likes you’’ he ended up saying.
‘’I plan taking Cassandra to see my family this coming Easter. By November , I will start up marriage talks and by December our wedding plans and ceremony will be fixed and ready. I just have to work more hard and make more money bro’’ I opened up to my friend.
‘’hmmm you are really serious brother. I guess it’s time I start making my own plans’’ he joked.
‘’no bro don’t start making plans for the future, continue playing around. By the time you finally get ready to get married my first daughter will be your bridesmaid’’ I joked back, leaving him laughing hard.
The rest of the month was totally uneventful. I concentrated on my business and worked extra hard to make something more out of it. Cassandra never visited like she said , but we spoke on phone every day. I really had nothing against the girl nor did she act in any way to make me doubtful nor suspicious of her movements, though we really were far from each other which made it impossible to watch her like I would have wanted .
Nora on her own part stayed away from me, she never checked up on me neither did I ask of her, however as neighbors we ran into each other occasionally.
March slowly sped by, leaving me more excited and hopeful with each passing day. I just couldn’t wait for Easter to arrive. I just couldn’t wait to introduce Cassandra to my family. I even had to tell all siblings and parents to get ready to meet the lady I was bringing home for them on Easter. I had to ask my siblings, including my sister who got married the previous year to come home for the major event. Of course it was to be a very big occasion in my family, the first time I was bringing home a lady.
Slowly the month of march wrapped up , leaving me high with excitement and expectation. Cassandra surprised me with a visit on Monday afternoon, just six days before Easter Sunday. I really wasn’t expecting to see her and due to that wasn’t at home when she called. I had to direct her to my shop.
She showed up with her travel bag and a big nylon bag she held with her left hand, breathing heavily.
At first glance, I thought she was coming to stay with me till the D day which made me more happy and excited but after welcoming her, she told me she was on her way home for the holiday but just stopped by to surprise me, dashing my hopes with the explanation.
At the end of the day, she ended up leaving with ten thousand naira, which was the amount she needed in fixing her hair, sewing a new cloth and for her transportation to my home town on Easter Sunday…
I returned to my village on Saturday evening to be with my family and wait for Cassandra’s appearance. My sister tried to force me into describing how the person they were all expecting looked like but I had to keep everyone in suspense till Sunday afternoon when Cassandra arrived leaving everyone breathless.
My sister was completely dumbstruck and overwhelmed as she
saw my beauty Queen who equally was her friend walk into the house with a graceful smile.
Episode 16
The look on everyone’s face as I led Cassandra into our old sitting room was quite revealing . The smile on my parents face made me proud and happy, my brothers equally nodded in admiration but my little sister simply stared at us as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing, leaving me a bit worried with her shocked expression. I instantly regretted not carrying her along and letting her know on time about my relationship with Cassandra. Moreover the girl in question was no other person than her school mate and friend.
However my failure in telling my sister anything concerning my relationship with Cassandra was firstly because she was my junior in every aspect and I couldn’t bring myself to discuss such issue with her even though as a married woman I wasn’t supposed to be seeing her as a kid anymore but i still did.
‘’Cassandra!’’ my shocked sister finally exclaimed, leaving my parents more surprised and curious.
‘’you know her?’’ my mother quickly asked. She nodded quietly.
‘’yea she is my school mate and friend but I’m just surprised because I never suspected nor excepted to see her with my brother’’ she quickly answered.
‘’well I wanted it to be a surprise to everyone’’ I intelligently cut In, smiling as i tightened my grip on Cassandra who looked a bit nervous…
”wow such a beautiful girl. welcome to the family” my dad smartly added, killing the little tension in the room.
We all relaxed as everyone finally accepted and treated Cassandra as a member of the family, apart from my sister who still behaved strangely.
Cassandra spent close to four hours with us, charming everyone with her behavior and manners. My parents quickly fell in love with her, same as my brothers who congratulated me in securing the heart of a very educated and sophisticated girl.
My sister was the only person whose cold attitude disturbed me. She simply kept to herself and only spoke when spoken to. I really couldn’t pick out what made her so cold and gloomy, a behavior she wasn’t used to. I equally was more disturbed due to the fact that Cassandra was her friend. A girl who equally attended her marriage ceremony the previous year.
My sister’s behavior really disappointed me and it was with utmost restraint that I held myself from pouring out my frustration on her.
Cassandra on the other hand, pretended not to notice my Sister’s behavior, instead acted so cool and mature like a very good actress, impressing me a great deal.
‘’ I hope you will visit us as often as possible. I cant believe I have gotten fond of you in such a short time” mum begged as Cassandra got ready to leave. She smiled gracefully,
‘’yes of course, I will always visit to see you. I feel so happy being here with you’’ she answered sweetly. My mother hugged her happily.
‘’such a wonderful lady she is. Hmmmm she’s lovely’’ I overheard dad say as I escorted Cassandra out of the house.
I was a happy man. So fulfilled and contented.
‘’thank you for making me a happy man. I just cant describe how I feel right now. Listen, from this moment you will be my responsibility, my sole responsibility. You made me happy and proud. You will never lack a thing. You deserve all the good things in the world’’ I promised my beauty queen as soon as we were all alone in my car. She beamed with joy, smiling deeply as she reached out with her hand to touch my cheek.
‘’come on why are you being overly nice?. It’s not as if I did something extra ordinary. Your family were very nice to me and that made my visit so memorable’’ she replied like an innocent little girl. I stared deep into her eyes with so much love.
To me Cassandra was everything. Pure, beautiful, awesome, sophisticated and polished. My love for her kind of increased with every passing minute.
‘’but your sister. She’s my friend but there is no doubt she isn’t happy seeing me with you. The reason for such behavior, Is what i don’t know’’ she added, looking down like someone who just received a terrible punch on the face. I slowly held her hand.
‘’I will talk to my sister. She’s a small girl’’ I murmured nervously with a fast pounding heart. She breathed deeply and raised up her face.
‘’well it’s very common. Most girls don’t like seeing their friends hanging out with their brothers. It’s quite understandable’’ she breathed.
‘Please say nothing more” i begged, clasping her hands.
I finally dropped Cassandra off at the village motor park where she took a bus heading back to Owerri. I returned to meet my sister waiting for me in front of our house. But before I could even say a word, she surprisingly confronted me, leaving me extremely shocked and stunned.
‘’come on big bro, what the the hell are you doing with Cassandra?, of all the girls in the world, you picked Cassandra. Are you so blind?, cant you see she is so fake?. What did she do to you?’’ she asked, grabbing my right hand strongly.
‘’you know, I don’t just get you. If there is anything you need me to know about Cassandra better spit it out now?’’ I barked, drawing the attention of everyone in the house as I stared down on my sister, expecting an answer…

Ep 17
‘’yes my dear, if there is anything you know about the young lady, better spit it out’’ my mother urged my sister who shrugged and shook her head, saying nothing. It was as if she was battling with herself to say something or not. I just couldn’t understand her behavior.
‘’it’s not as if I’m trying to spoil your mind or something, but come on brother, why Cassandra?, what did you see in her?’’ she finally blurted, getting me more angry with her comment. It was very obvious she had nothing against Cassandra, but was only kicking against the relationship merely because her spirit wasn’t in support of it.
‘’you are still making no sense. What’s wrong in me choosing Cassandra?’’ I asked vehemently.
‘’do you know her lifestyle?. Do you know where she lives?, have you studied her well?. How much do you know about her?” she quickly pushed on, getting on my nerves with each word she uttered. My mother quickly sensed my mood, drew close and held me.
‘’even though your sister is making no sense at the moment, I still believe you shouldn’t wave aside her feelings. Just like everyone of us here, what we want is the best for you because you are the pillar of this family and so owe us nothing short of a good respectable wife. You know there are somethings we women see that men no matter how enlightened they are fail to see. Moreover there are so things we women equally find hard to say before a man. I believe your sister have genuine reasons for her ranting besides she knows the girl better than you do’’ my mother appealed, calming me with her words. I breathed deeply and shrugged.
‘’you are very right mother. Thanks for making things easier for me to understand’’ I muttered.
‘’I’m sorry bro for shouting at you but the truth is that I was extremely surprised to see that girl called Cassandra, walk into our house. She never even breathed a word that you guys were dating to me, even though we ran into each other numerous times last month. Cassandra isn’t who you think she is. She is very materialistic and ambitious. She is an expert when it comes in dealing with men. I have know her for three years and never for once did she introduce any guy to me as her boyfriend, yet tons of men flock around her like vultures. So tell me brother, is that the type of woman you want to marry?. A girl whose life is very much unreadable and confusing. A girl who knows how to get what she wants without much effort. A girl who attracts everything that is of interest to her. Have you been to her apartment before?, have you studied her lifestyle and engagements?. How much time have you spent with her?. You don’t need to answer, if you don’t want you’’ my dear sister pushed on, shaking me with her words which were so soft but yet powerful and truthful.
Yes she was right, I haven’t been opportune to visit Cassandra. I didn’t even know the name of her hostel, room number nor anything substantiate about her. I equally haven’t been able to monitor her more appropriately nor spent enough time with her. The only thing I could boast of was knowing her family
Later in the night my sister came into my room, looking very apologetic and serious. She sat beside me on the bed and stared at me for some seconds.
”I’m very sorry for the way i behaved earlier in the day but please promise me you will think things through concerning your relationship with Cassandra” she begged solemnly, touching my heart with her words. For the very first time i had serious doubts concerning Cassandra. It was obvious my sister was strongly kicking against her due to something she probably was keeping to herself. I felt the things she revealed earlier concerning Cassandra was just a fraction of what she knew, nevertheless i was still strongly in love with Cassandra. My feelings still remained the same but as a human i was very curious to learn from her if there was something else about Cassandra she wasn’t telling me.
”please dear. I’m your brother. i need to know all you know about Cassandra” i begged, holding her hands in a serious gesture of appeal.
Episode 18
‘’hmmm fine but I don’t know if you will believe this’’ my sister finally muttered after a brief hesitation. I curiously stared at her with a fast pounding heart.
‘’you see there was this rumour years back that Cassandra got pregnant for an older man who denied her pregnancy, leaving the poor girl demoralized and troubled. It was the period I first met her, but I really don’t know what happened to the pregnancy because she soon left school for about a month and returned, looking fresh and changed. She returned a different person . The change in her was so obvious that even her close friends couldn’t make anything out of it. Her lifestyle completely changed to that of a snake. She now wears different look and character as she deems fit’’ she slowly narrated, leaving me quiet for some seconds.
‘’so you really want me to believe this story?. How am I sure you didn’t cook it all up?’’ I asked with disbelief.
‘’I have no reason to lie to you brother, but please if you still want to carry on with her, do take out time to study everything about her’’ she added, stood up and left.
I feel back on my bed, greatly troubled and confused.
‘’dear lord, help me’’ I prayed…
The month of April ( that fateful year) turned out to be a very difficult one for me. One of my shops in Onitsha almost got burnt and business wasn’t really booming like the previous months. I was left with no choice than to leave everything and concentrate on my business. I shuttled from Owerri to Onitsha almost every week, and really had no time for myself nor even time to focus my attention on Cassandra.
Luckily for me, by mid May, God slowly rewarded my efforts and things started picking up fine for me again. I soon had the much needed time to think and plan ahead concerning my relationship with Cassandra.
I planned doing as my sister requested. I planned asking Cassandra to come visit and at least spend a week with me, to enable me watch her more closely. I equally planned paying a visit to where she lived. I felt it was the real thing to do and equally the only way to be sure of everything.
However the month of May slowly wrapped up without me doing even a single thing in my list of plans concerning Cassandra, but I wasn’t worried about it because I still had many months to go on with it.
On last Sunday of the month, Chinedu paid me an unexpected early morning visit. The look on his face clearly told me that all wasn’t fine. My skipped a beat as I stared at him, uncertain of the grave news he came with.
‘’did someone die?. Did his shop burn or what?’’ I wondered as we shared a bottle of alcoholic wine.
‘’I was with Nora’s friend yesterday’’ he slowly opened up, leaving me more curious than ever.
‘’you know the Enugu girl that runs a restaurant down the second street?’’ he explained while I nodded.
‘’well I was with her yesterday and she confided in me that Nora is pregnant’’ he added, throwing me off balance with his words.
‘’what!!!!’’ I exclaimed with great shock.
‘’yes she is pregnant and apparently the baby is yours’’ he affirmed strongly, leaving me very shaken and speechless as a thousand and one thoughts ran through my head.

Episode 19
‘’this is unbelievable. d--n’’ I breathed, standing up with great frustration. Chinedu silently watched me for some seconds, breathed deeply and shrugged.
‘’by the look of things, it seems all of Nora’s friends are already aware of this. I heard she isn’t hiding her condition nor ashamed of it. I just had to let you know about it because I know you wont be happy with me if I should keep such news away from you and you later discover it’’ he summarized while I shook my head with great wonder. The news was just too odd to be true. I only slept with Nora once moreover supposing I was the person responsible for her pregnancy she would have told me first before any other person.
‘’no this isn’t real’’ I stammered nervously.
‘’well I have done my part, believing it or not is your own cup of tea’’ Chinedu added, standing up to leave. I quickly sensed that my reaction was annoying him.
‘’come on bro, where are you going?, don’t tell me you have started going to Church’’ I joked, leaving a smile on his face.
‘’i’m not doubting the credibility of the news. It’s just that i’m shocked. Why hasn’t she breathed a word about it to me?’’ I asked my friend who simply shrugged.
‘’what do I do now?. Do I have to sit and wait or should I confront her?’’ I asked curiously.
‘’well if i’m in your position, I will definitely confront her, to know the truth. Though I will have to be very diplomatic with it. You know women are very sensitive, moreover your relationship with Nora is a strange one’’he answered. I rubbed my face with frustration. I instantly regretted sleeping with Nora.
‘’what will be the fate of my relationship with Cassandra if this news turns out to be true?’’ I wondered with great fear. I just was totally confused and scared.
‘’but supposing this is true, why will Nora keep it away from me?’’ I asked Chinedu once again.
‘’well it could be that she is scared of telling you about it or maybe she doesn’t want you to have anything to do with her baby since you don’t want her in your life. Besides you know she is is very comfortable and independent.’’ He answered intelligently.
‘’I will take your advise of confronting her. I need to know the truth’’ I stammered anxiously.
‘’so what if the baby is truly yours. What will you do?’’ he asked curiously.
‘’I don’t know brother. I don’t just know. The lady I want to be with is Cassandra. I’m so scared and confused right now’’ I confessed.
‘’I think you should do the right thing and confirm the truth from Nora first, afterwards we can figure out something’’ he advised, leaving me with a little hope.
Chinedu left my apartment after staying with me for about an hour. I was left all alone to struggle with my thoughts. My head was just filled with lots of strange thoughts, yet I couldn’t figure out a d--n solution or way to how handle the situation if eventually the pregnancy story turns out to be true. I was in this state of mind till 2pm when I summoned up the courage to head to Nora’s apartment.
I walked to Nora’s apartment with prayers on my lips.Of course there was no way to know what to expect from the poor girl. I very much knew i did her wrong but then it wasn’t entirely my fault and it was good things ended the way it did between us.
I nervously knocked on the door, uncertain of what to expect. So scared and shaken i was. The door soon opened to reveal Nora who froze with surprise on seeing me. I quickly forced out a smile, trying me best to appear calm.
”hmmm what a surprise” Nora breathed curiously, searching me with her eyes.
”please can i come in?” i asked politely. She drew back and let me in.
Walking into the apartment, i turned and faced her, carefully taking me time to study her appearance. There wasn’t any doubt she added a little weight. she appeared bigger than she used to be, even though i couldn’t make out her real shape because she was putting on a native gown.
”now cut the suspense and tell me what brought you here?” she asked seriously, taking a step towards me. I breathed deeply and hesitated for a second.
”come on what brought you here?”‘ she demanded again.
”i really don’t know how to say this. I apologize if it sounds offensive but i have been hearing rumors that you are pregnant and i just want to know if it is true?” i nervously asked, leaving the girl before me extremely furious. My question sent a great wave of anger over her. She instantly pounced on me, pushing me out of her apartment with great force.
”what an insult. I cant believe my ears. So you just came to my apartment after four months of avoiding me to ask if I’m pregnant. Are you blind or dumb?.. What an attitude. Get out” She screamed at me like she had never done in her life.
I really felt so bad over her reaction but unbelievably i kind of felt a strange sensation as she laid her hands on me that very afternoon. The feeling was something i just can’t describe but i had no doubt she was actually carrying my baby.
Episode 20
‘’come on Nora, you shouldn’t be worked up over my question’’ I pleaded as she pushed me out of her apartment. On a very good day I would have stood me ground and stopped her from pushing me violently but I knew better than to act In such way.
‘’don’t ever disturb my peace again. I beg of you’’ she screamed at me as she shut her apartment entrance door on my face. I stood outside for a moment, clueless on what next to do.
‘’Nora please be civil. Let us talk’’ I pleaded as I knocked on the door once again.
‘’leave me David. Go away. I don’t want to see you ever again’’ she screamed from inside.
After knocking for some minutes , I picked up myself and returned to my apartment to continue my thinking session from where i stopped earlier. Supposing she had at least answered my question I would have known the direction to focus my thoughts on.
‘’dear Lord. I need a way.please open my eyes. Lead me to the right path’’ I prayed miserably.
I had a very sleepless night. I couldn’t even sleep for an hour and the next day I headed to my shop with a very weak body. Chinedu was the first to check up on me the moment he noticed I was around.
‘’so what’s up?’’ he asked, expecting a story. I shrugged and breathed deeply..
‘’my brother Nora threw me out of her house the moment I popped the question. She couldn’t even tell me if she is pregnant or not, talk more of discussing anything with me. I’m so totally confused. What if this is a ploy to get me confused and make me lose focus in my relationship with Cassandra?. What if this is part of her revenge?. Tell me is there any reason why a sane lady wont tell the guy who got her pregnant about her pregnancy before spreading the news outside. I just feel so empty’’ I poured out my frustration and feelings to my friend who nodded with great understanding.
‘’I do understand how you feel right now brother. Of course she has every right to tell you the truth unless maybe she isn’t pregnant after all or perhaps you aren’t responsible for the pregnancy. You know at first I thought maybe she was scared of telling you about it but now it seems to me that she has something up her sleeves. Though I’m really surprised because Nora looks like a level-headed girl to me. I think I should talk to her. I believe she will talk to me’’ he suddenly offered while I shook my head.
‘’no no no. this is my problem and I will handle it myself’’ I breathed strongly..
By 8pm that Monday evening, I once again made my way to Nora’s apartment. Yes I looked brave on the outside but deep within, I was nervous.
Nora soon opened the door to see me standing at her doorpost. She drew back with surprise. She just couldn’t believe her eyes.
‘’I thought I told you not to disturb me again?’’ she fired instantly while I nodded pleadingly.
‘’yes I know but please listen to me. Two wrongs cant make a right. Don’t be like me. Don’t be clouded or let your feelings speak for you. I beg of you’’ I pleaded with all my heart, melting her mind with my plea which touched her a great deal. Her face changed as she stared at me with sympathy.
‘’okay yes I’m pregnant and the baby is yours. The baby is the result of our first time together and that night still means a lot to me. I’m keeping the baby and I will raise him all alone. I will never disturb nor ask you for anything. Just see him as a parting gift you left me.So don’t be scared about anything. Enjoy your life with Cassandra. I’m not a woman who will force a man on myself. So you are free just like you have always been. Good night. I just pray Cassandra makes you happy, just like God is making me happy’’ she poured out and shut the door on my face, not giving me a chance to say a word.
Oh dear and I would have told her a lot of things that very evening supposing she gave me the chance. Yes I’m a very strong guy but I headed to my room after her speech with tears in my eyes.
There wasn’t any doubt Nora was a wondrous and virtuous lady. She plainly was sacrificing her own happiness and dreams just for me to be free and happy, something I never expected from a lady like her and that probably was the reason she failed telling me about her pregnancy .
